Thursday, February 11, 2010

Electronic Communication Practice

Exercise 1 and 2

Netiquette Rules

Following appropriate netiquette guidelines is very important when communicating electronically. Listed below are some strategies to maintain electronic office etiquette as well as tips for composing effective electronic messages.

Use of confidential, sensitive, or private information
-- In order to ensure good behavior and online conduct, always assume that what you are doing online is public. Doing so will help protect both your name and the company's by not posting or chatting information that is inappropriate. In addition, it is in bad taste to re-post or widely distribute an email someone has sent you without their consent. This can lead to some serious legal consequences, as privacy may have been intruded upon.

Formatting, Spelling, and Grammar
-- When writing your message, make sure the message is clear rather than ambiguous. Provide as much information as needed, but try not to go overboard. Also, how an an electronic message is composed will effect how well the message gets across to the reader. Keep a dictionary nearby to prevent spelling or grammar mistakes, which can easily distract from your message and how the reader perceives your ability to communicate.

Tone and flaming
-- Another extremely important tip to remember is to not use all caps. Using caps indicates that the message is supposed to be heard in a SHOUTING or YELLING voice. Also, remember to be remain polite. It is easier to be rude to someone when not face to face with that person. In addition, refrain from writing emails or electronic messages when angry. Making rash remarks or decisions can lead to serious consequences.

Exercise 3

Subject: Financial aid for Training Trip

Dear Sarah,

I am hoping to go on a training trip soon, however am short on financial resources. Do you know of any people or organizations that would either loan me money or be willing to let me work for them? I am fairly open to any ways in which I can raise funds. If so, please send me their contact information at your earliest convenience! Thank you for your time.

Warmest regards,


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