Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Composing Effective Messages

Best Baby Gear, our e-tailing company, specializes in only the very best products for parents of newborns, infants, and toddlers. It is our job to provide well-built and classy products that consumers will love. By visiting our award-winning website, www.bestbabygear.com, you will find hundreds of carefully selected products. Every time we add a product to join this portfolio, we ensure that consumers as well as the participating companies will not be disappointed. You will find that our online items are in high demand, as we sell at least one hundred units per model in a year. After careful consideration, Best Baby Gear would be honored to add your Inglesina lines to our online retail outlet.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Audience Profile Assignment

Who is my audience? What is my audience's general attitude toward my subject? What does my audience need to know?

9) An advertisement for peanut butter.

1. The audience includes a wide range of people, including parents, college students, and even children, of all races and backgrounds. Peanut butter is a product that most consumers of any type could be willing to buy.
2. The audience's general attitude toward peanut butter is probably one of wanting overall quality. Consumers want to choose a peanut butter that tastes good, but yet is still healthy and affordable.
3. The audience needs to know why they should buy this particular brand of peanut butter. For instance, they should know if it has any health advantages and also if it has a high quality of taste and substance. They should understand from the advertisement what makes this peanut butter better than all the others.

12) A request (to the seller) for a price adjustment on a piano that incurred $150 in damage during delivery to a banquet room in the hotel you manage.

1. The audience would be the owner of the company who sold the piano.
2. The owner's general attitude toward a request for price reduction might be one of disgruntlement to lose money on the sale and disappointment in his delivery service.Hopefully, however, the owner would be gracious and understanding enough to provide a price adjustment, considering that the delivery was his company's mistake.
3. The owner needs to know how the damaged occurred and to what extent the piano was damaged. He or she also needs to know how much money the buyer is interested in receiving from the company for its mistake.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Always About the Audience

This week's class focused upon the importance of planning business information while still being able to understand the audience. It is important when writing to follow the three step writing process, analyze your purpose for writing, understand the audience and cater to their needs, and finally to choose an appropriate medium.

Before attempting to communicate ideas, it is important to analyze all of these factors in order to reach your audience. Deciding between oral, written, or electronic media can make a difference in how audiences will react and respond. Everything learned in class this week can be directly applied to my future career as a nurse. For instance, when working with coworkers and especially patients, it would be helpful to first decipher my audience's background before communicating.

Also in class, we discussed the Biopage assignment, in which I will create a power point slide to sell myself as a nursing professional to future employers. The activity will help me practice writing to and communicating with businesses and hospitals.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Full Week of Class

The first full week of class in Business Writing has already been an interesting learning experience. I have expanded my knowledge about what businesses will expect from me as a communicator and employee. As a future nurse, I will need to know how to communicate with others in precise, efficient, culturally aware, and ethically based manners. Being able to get a message across in these ways will benefit the workplace with higher productivity, faster problem solving, and stronger relationships. One of the most important characteristics of a health care worker is possessing the ability to communicate strongly cross culturally. Body language, sensitivity, respect, and utilization of direct, unambiguous language will make interacting with patients easier. Practicing ethically within a hospital is also a tremendous part of nursing, and this chapter has emphasized the importance of making wise choices. Overall, the first full week of class has provided a solid ground and basis for communication that will be built upon throughout the semester.

Analyze this Message

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Business Writing Expectations

My expectations for Business Writing class include becoming a more effective communicator and learning how to compose documents with appropriate formats. One of the most important parts of any job, (whether a business, medical, or education career) is to know how to correspond with others in a professional way. I believe that this class will help me later on as a nurse with these necessary skills. I expect to do a lot of writing in many different mediums. Practice makes perfect, and this class will provide me the opportunity to practice and perfect accurate writing techniques. I also think that my professor is enthusiastic about the class and will make the experience enjoyable.